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Herramientas online para Imagenes

By Unknown On 10:59

Si no eres de esas personas que manejan editores de imagenes complicados, pues te recomiendo herramientas online: de facil uso y entendimiento, ademas muy rapidas y con la posibilidad de "pegar" en web (sin necesidad de descargar a tu equipo).

Unos de los mas conocidos son:

Add a shadow to a picture simply in 10 seconds ;)
Enter an url OR select a picture from your computer (gif,jpeg,png) (Max 3 MB)Select the shadow options you need (distance, background..), and generate result.


Picslice creates slices of picture, it can also crop it.
You will be able to get each parts of a picture.You can select the number of horizontal and vertical slices. Crop is useful when you need to adjust picture to your needs. Enter an url OR select picture from your pc (gif,jpeg,png) (Max 3 MB)


Insert text, add comments to picture, canvas, shape very simply in 10 seconds...

You can simply add text on 3 differents modes : over a picture (uploaded from computer or from an Url) over a canvas(which represents a space where you can select a background color), or over a shape (badges, signs....)


Picreflect is an easy web tool that will make a cool reflection of picture.Select the options you need, and load a picture from pc or url (max 3Mb), to get a reflection.


Convert a picture into ASCII TEXT,HTML (New version)
Enter an url OR select a picture from your computer (gif,jpeg,png) (Max 1 MB) To get better picture quality change the Size to a number like 4 , 3 , 2 or 1


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